
You made a great decision to sign up and promote Page One Engine!

We are using the JVZoo platform to process all payments. The first step for ALL affiliates will be to sign up to promote Page One Engine in JVZoo.

Go here to sign up and grab all of your links:

Notice: The Link should look like this:
Always TEST the link and mask the links before sending for maximum delivery.

Instructions on How to Get Your Affiliate Links from JVZoo:

If you are already an affiliate for JVZoo you follow these steps to get your Page One Engine links:

Go here:


We will approve

Get your affiliate links

Not a JVZOO Member – how do you sign up?

Easy peasy…

Go Here -

Fill out the registration page.

You will then get a phone call and a welcome email from JVZoo to finish you registration.

You will receive an additional email from JVZoo letting you know there are two things to complete:

Link your paypal account to the system

For those who live in the United States fill out the W-9 form You will not have any access to the affiliate or vendor sections until this is done. The best thing to do is knock these two things out of the way first. JVZoo made it all digital so it only takes a couple of seconds to do.

Go here to apply to be a Page One Engine affiliate:

We will approve and then you will grab your affiliate links from inside JVZoo

Pre-Launch Swipes Area

We have an amazing book, Where the Big Dogs Roam, for you to giveaway for FREE to your subscribers.

It's over 100 pages and it spends a lot of time on mindset and of course goes into mastering the search engines.

Important Information Before You Take These Swipes!

Email platforms have algorithms for delivery just like the search engines do for results!

To give your emails a better shot at inboxing I highly suggest you take these swipes and change them up to be in your own style and your own voice.

If you simply copy and paste these swipes verbatim it will lower your chances of delivery.

We will give you plenty of options so change them up a bit and help yourself get more deliveries and make more sales!

Webinar #2 Swipe





Subject Lines IDEAS:


Content IDEAS:

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Launch Swipes

Subject Lines IDEAS:



Content IDEAS:


Option 1


Option 2


Option 3


Option 4











Contact Us

If you have any questions at all don’t hesitate to contact us:


Skype: afoyil (That’s Aimee, she rocks!)